Understanding 802.11ax High Efficiency Wireless Features

By Dennis Nofsinger | 51 Min Video

In this Tech Talk, we will cover the 2.4 GHz, 5 GHz, and 6 GHz improvements 802.11ax (Wi-Fi6 and Wi-Fi6E) created by IEEE to meet the demands of our ever-changing wireless environments. After attending this Tech Talk, you will have a better understanding of the 802.11ax (WiFi-6) features that will meet the needs of wireless capacity and reliability in your wireless environment. This Tech Talk will also cover the new 6 GHz 802.11ax (Wi-Fi6E) extension to the standard and what is needed to use the 6 GHz frequency.


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Instructor Bio:

802.11axDennis has focused on delivering top-notch wireless training for Cisco Systems and Certified Wireless Network Professional (CWNP). He has seen wireless technology grow from the beginnings of narrowband radio to the current capabilities we have now. He brings to the class a wealth of knowledge and industry expertise. His teaching skills are second to none and he consistently gets the highest reviews in the industry. He strives extremely hard to make sure that the students learn to the fullest and get the best experience possible in their class time. Dennis received his CWNP Certified Wireless Network Trainer (CWNT) status on August 7, 2018 (CWNP ID 408414). Since getting certified, Dennis has been involved in presenting CWNP certification training classes and conducted two boot camps at CWNP’s Wireless Technology Forum Convention.

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