Hive Query Tunings Video

By RJ Daskevich | 1 Min Read | 14 Min Video | Technical Level: Intermediate

In this video, learn how to configure YARN queues, Tez and Hive properties to support performance goals. Sunset Learning instructor, RJ Daskevich, will teach you how to tune Hive for interactive queries and configure containers. For optimum performance with interactive Hive queries, you must:

  • Modify Hive, Tez, and YARN settings based on application characteristics
  • Modify queues and queue settings based on application characteristics


Key Topics:

  • Batch vs. Interactive Processing (2:46)
  • Why Tune for Hive Performance? (3:58)
  • Tuning for Interactive Queries (4:19)
  • Increase HDFS Replication Factor (6:21)
  • Create Multiple HiveServer2 Instances (6:46)
  • Queue Strategies (7:50)
  • Configure Tez Idle Container Settings (9:25)
  • Configure Tez Held Containers (10:52)
  • Increase Tez DAG Submission Timeout (11:52)
  • Additional Considerations (12:25)


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Refer to Hive Performance Tuning Guide at for additional information.


Instructor Bio:

Ronald Daskevich has been involved in information systems for over 25 years. His IT career started while he was an officer in the U.S. Air Force.  Academically, RJ has continually shown his life-long of learning. He recently graduated from Colorado Technical University as a Doctor of Applied Science in Computer Science with a specialty in big data in December 2016. RJ is currently employed by Sunset Learning as a technical instructor specializing in the delivery of the entire Hortonworks Apache Hadoop curriculum. He not only teaches Hadoop admin classes, but has also become an expert in open source development frameworks such as Apache Hive, Apache Pig, and Spark. He also teaches Hortonworks’ only data science offering.



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