Cisco ASA Certificate Setup for AnyConnect VPN

By Rick Williams | 90 Min Video | Technical Level: Intermediate

The session will focus on PKI aspects including:

  • Creating and managing ASA Trustpoints
  • Creating and submitting a CSR
  • Installing a signing certificate chain
  • Installing the received ID certificate and applying it for use with AnyConnect

After watching this video, you will be able to understand how to obtain and install a publicly trusted certificate on ASA to utilize for AnyConnect VPN users. The main topics include ASA, PKI, AnyConnect, and Remote-Access VPN.


Key Topics:

  • Introduction – 0:52
  • PKI Review – 5:25
  • Requirements – 22:15
  • Certificate Installation + Demo – 34:13


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Instructor Bio:

AnyConnectRick is a well-experienced IT consultant, engineer, and technical educator. His exposure, dedication towards quality, and focus on the practical application of technology provide an IT professional that brings unique insights and understanding with the SLI educational products he delivers. In 1999, Rick became and has maintained a Cisco Certified Systems Instructor (CCSI) certification. Currently, Rick continues to create satisfied customers by focusing his time on delivering training classes and creating educational products on security, and specializing in Cisco Security products and technologies. By bringing his solid route/switch and production background into the classroom, he leads Cisco product training classes such as ASA, ISE, Firepower, and the CCNPSecurity certification class. These classes include training on VPN, PKI, NGFW, NGIPS, Trustsec, and 802.1x security technologies among many others. 

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