Cisco Lab Instructions – Group C

Each student will need a PC (window7 or higher) or MAC (10.6 or higher). Latest versions of web browsers Chrome and/or Firefox. Full admin rights required for any software that may need to be loaded. Specific lab network access requirements vary depending on class, the following meet the current HD-ILT capable classes:


1 – Require 0.5MB (Megabit) of dedicated (free of congestion) upload/download bandwidth.
2 – Required Network communications. 


  • TCP port 80, 443
  •, Port range: 25000 to 28000 (for audio)


Please be sure you can access this website before class:  (Once you land on the website there is no need to sign in. The instructor will hand out lab credentials the first day of class.)


If you have any issues or questions please contact