Azure Training and Certification

Benefits of Microsoft Certification go beyond
validating knowledge and skills.

Certified employees are more productive, more efficient in their roles, and bring more creative solutions to complex technical problems.

Certified teams add value to the organization, with increased productivity, faster troubleshooting, and fewer skills gaps.

Certification simplifies talent identification and recruiting, making the screening process easier by helping to distinguish individuals.

Microsoft Azure certification TYPES


Foundational Skills

  • Helps build skills towards industry job roles
  • Caters to a broad audience across market segments
  • Entry level (no experience required in the area)
  • Mix of concepts and applied learning for Microsoft technologies


Technical Skills for a Job

  • Based on industry job roles for people interested in, are transitioning to, or already in the specific job role
  • Multiple levels of expertise : Associate and expert
  • Technical knowledge to design, implement and manage Microsoft solutions
  • Emphasis on applied learning/hands on for Microsoft technologies


Deep Technical Skills

  • Deep technical skills managing industry solutions, including 3rd party solutions, on or with Microsoft platforms
  • No levels of expertise

Already Microsoft certified? Celebrate your skills with your LinkedIn network! Here’s how..

1. On your LinkedIn home page ribbon, select Me.

2. Select View Profile.

3. Then, in the Skills & endorsements section, select Add a new skill. (Note: If you haven’t already added this section to your profile, on your LinkedIn page, underneath the ribbon, select Add section and then select Skills.)

4. In the Add skills box, start entering the name of a skill (For example, Microsoft Azure, Azure DevOps, Azure SQL) and then select it from the offered options. If your skill isn’t on the list, enter the full skill name.

5. Select Add.

Congratulations on sharing your Microsoft skills on LinkedIn, where you can also share your Microsoft Certification badges. To find out more, read our article on using and sharing badges.

Exam Vouchers

Did you know Sunset Learning also sells Microsoft Azure exam vouchers for a discount? Click below to get your discount code and purchase vouchers.